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Accordion Concerto premiere in Vienna

This Friday, 8 december, the world premiere of my Accordion Concerto written for Vincent van Amsterdam will take place in the Konzerthaus in Vienna performed by van Amsterdam and the ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Markus Poschner.

"Lyrical, enchanting, eclectic - this is how one could describe the style of Mathilde Wantenaar, a composer born in the Netherlands in 1993. Her oeuvre includes operas, concertos, orchestral and vocal works. She wrote her most recent concerto for her compatriot Vincent van Amsterdam. The award-winning accordionist premieres the work in his Konzerthaus debut alongside the RSO Vienna. In the second half of the concert, the orchestra under Markus Poschner devotes itself to Bruckner's Seventh. With this symphony, Bruckner achieved his international breakthrough, and today it ranks among the classics of the concert repertoire. "At the end of a Bruckner symphony, we experience a feeling of perfection - the feeling of having gone through everything", says conductor Sergiu Celibidache."

More information and tickets:

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